Monday, September 14, 2009

The Picture of Hatred In Canada - So Says the Alberta HRC

You Must Be Kidding Me

The picture at right is of my friend Stephen Boissoin. He has been convicted by Lori Andreachuk and the other clowns of the Alberta Human Rights Commission, as anybody who has been spending time on planet earth recently, particularly here in Canada knows of hate speech.

He wrote THE LETTER to the editor of the Red Deer Advocate about his views on the Homosexual Agenda, particularly as it related to the teaching of sex education in the schools of Red Deer. He is not apologetic for it, not should he be . He expressed a political opinion, for all intents and purposes, but more than that he expressed the deeply held opinion of a fervent Christian, and one which he was well prepared to discuss openly.

The Letter is on Stephen's own site here, along with his commentary about it, and its content, which is very telling about the mind and heart of the man.

This is also the man who wrote the following in a comment on my site over the weekend:
Being a follower of Christ isn't about labels. There is no institution that can save you or offer a right that has any saving, forgiving power in itself. It is pure faith in Christ and faithfulness to Christ that accomplishes much in our lives. And it is the application of love, kindness, benevolence and mercy...that impacts our lives together.
As his case goes before the Alberta Court of Queens Bench this week on the 16-17, I stand firmly beside my Brother. I support his right of free speech. I support his right to freedom of religion, even if we might have "doctrinal" differences.

I stand 4 square against government suppression of the essential freedoms that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and our own Charter of Rights and Freedoms describes for us all. And I believe in the first lines of the preamble to the UDHR where it says:
"recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world.
Go Stephen. Go get 'em Gerry Chipeur. You can support Stephen on his web site here.

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